EnglandfahrtIn the morning of 27th September 2015 we, the first bilingual class at the AGB, started our trip to Folkestone which is at the south coast of England. In Kent we wanted to spend a week and practice our English in our guest families and in the different places we wanted to visit.

We were quite excited!

Dover Castle

On 29th September 2015 we went to Dover Castle by train. We learned much about its history and its importance in the Second World War. We also had an amazing view over the ocean and Dover itself.

The weather was, as you can see on the picture, sunny with only a few clouds. Right next to the old buildings were also some canons from Second World War, like an antiaircraft gun.

In the Second World War the tunnels under the castle were used as a bombshelter and later as a sickbay. In the English history Dover Castle had a very important role. It was a very interesting visit and we had lots of fun.


A trip to London

The girls

In the morning we took a train to London. The ride took us about two hours. When we had arrived we went to Trafalgar Square and saw the Canadian House and the National History Museum. After that we crossed a little white bridge and we had a beautiful view of the River Thames, the London Eye and Big Ben.


Then Mr. Berghaus showed us the Prime Minister ́s house. It was really well protected. But the policemen who protected it seemed very nice.

We saw the beautiful and old Buckingham Palace. Did you know that Buckingham Palace has 450 rooms?

After our sightseeing we had three hours to go shopping. On our way to the Bond Street we saw the Vogue House. So exciting!!!

In Bond Street are a lot of fancy stores for example Chanel and Tiffany & Co. But we went shopping at Victoria ́s Secret, Nike, Topshop, Forever21 and Lush in Oxford Street. Before we went to Covent Garden to take a little break we decided to visit China Town. It was as if we were in China. It was beautiful!! After that we bought some food and drinks. At the end of the day we watched a crazy and funny street performer squeezing into a tiny box. It was a great day we had a lot of fun and learned a lot about London.

The boys

On the 3rd day we went to the capital of England, London. It is a beautiful and big city. It took us a while. The first thing of London that we saw out of the train was the London Eye. All kids shot photos of it.

At 12 o ́clock we left the train and we all were happy that we were there. We were in the famous city of London. We saw Big Ben, the London Eye (it was bigger than when we saw it from the train) and Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives.


Together we went to the Oxford Street. The Oxford Street is a very, very big and famous street which was very full at the time we got there. We had three hours of freetime but we had to stay together in groups of three or more.

It was great. While we were in Oxford Street we went shopping in a lot of stores like the Adidas store, the Nike store and in the biggest toy store I have ever seen. When you are close to the Toy store with your class, go in there.

After our stop in Oxford Street, we went to China Town. There was a guy who made a funny acrobatic show. We really liked it.

Our day in Canterbury

EnglandfahrtEarly in the morning we took a bus, or coach as they say and traveled for quite a while to Canterbury. Then we walked to the center of Canterbury and we had some freetime to walk through the city. Canterbury is a very beautiful city. It is not like Cologne, it looks a little bit more like an old city. There are also many stores and many good street artists. After our freetime we went to a cathedral. The Cathedral of Canterbury is one of the oldest in Great Britain. We split into two groups and both groups had a groupleader, who gave us many facts and much information about the Cathedral.

After that we had some freetime again to walk through the city. Then we went to a little park, where we played football and did other fun things. While we played football, some pupils from Canterbury came. Two boys asked, if they could played with us. So we said yes and we played football with them. Then we went to the bus station and drove back to Folkestone.

It was a very nice and funny day, but also the last of our classtrip. The day after we went back to Germany.


When waited for our bus to England in front of our school, we all were really excited and looked forward to the trip.

On the firstday we went on a treasure hunt in Folkestone. It was really interesting because we got to know the city, where we were staying. On the second day we visited Dover Castle. It was lots of fun to walk through the Castle and try everything and learn about the English history. On the third day we rode hours to London with the train. The way was very cool, because we could talk and laugh together. London was super cool and exciting. Oxford Street was really long and full of people and cool stores. The fourth day we spent in Canterbury, where we visited an old cathedral.

We liked to organize ourselves and to find our ways around.

Class 8f with Mr Berghaus, Mrs Jahnke and Mrs Kern